Symposium SKM Dissertationspreis (SYSD)
Prof. Dr. Martin Aeschlimann, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
Bioinspired Functional Materials: From Nature‘s Nanoarchitectures to Nanofabricated Designs (SYBM)
of the divisions CPP (leading), BP, MM, DF, DY and MI
PD Dr. Gerd Schröder-Turk, Murdoch University Perth, Australien
Prof. Dr. Robert Magerle, TU Chemnitz
Prof. Dr. Karin Jacobs, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken
Novel Functionality and Topology‐Driven Phenomena in Ferroics and Correlated Electron Systems (SYCE)
of the divisions DF (leading) MA, KR, MI, TT and DS
Dr. Stephan Krohns, Universität Augsburg
Prof. Dr. Dennis Meier, Universität Trondheim (Norwegen)
PD Dr. Elisabeth Soergel, Universität Bonn
Physics of Collective Mobility (SYCM)
of the divisions SOE (leading), DY, BP and jDPG
Prof. Dr. Marc Timme, MPI Göttingen
Prof. Dr. Vitaly Belik, FU Berlin
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Löwen, Universität Düsseldorf
Frontiers of Electronic-Structure Theory: New Concepts and Developments in Density Functional Theory and Beyond (SYES)
of the divisions O (leading), MM, CPP, TT, DS, MA and HL
Prof. Dr. John Perdew, Temple University Philadelphia (USA)
Prof. Dr. Angel Rubio, MPI Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Matthias Scheffler, FHI Berlin
Interfacial Challenges in Solid-State Li Ion Batteries (SYLI)
of the divisions MM (leading), O and HL
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger A. Eichel, Forschungszentrum Jülich
Prof. Dr. Karsten Reuter, TU München
Optics and Light-Matter Interaction with Excitons in 2D Materials (SYLM)
of the divisions HL (leading), DS, O and TT
Prof. Dr. Sven Höfling, Universität Würzburg
Prof. Dr. John Finley, TU München
Nanostructuring Beyond Conventional Lithography (SYNS)
of the divisions MI (leading), DF, DS, HL, MM and VA
Prof. Dr. Georg Schmidt, Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Dr. Matthias Schirmer, Allresist Strausberg
Dr. Enrico Langer, TU Dresden
Quantum Optics on the Nanoscale: From Fundamental Physics to Quantum Technologies (SYQO)
of the divisions HL (leading), DS, O and TT
Prof. Dr. Walter Pfeiffer, Universität Bielefeld
Prof. Dr. Erich Runge, TU Ilmenau
Prof. Dr. Manfred Bayer, TU Dortmund